Automated Rail Information System “AXIS”

Reduce rail rates by automatically accumulating all your data, from each railroad, on every one of your movements with AXIS


Knowledge is power, and AXIS makes you smarter about the rate structure for your rail traffic. AXIS automatically pulls data from the railroads, so you always know:

  • Rate reductions to go after where large rate increases have occurred
  • Markets where your rates are good versus where improvement is needed
  • The rates negatively impacting your carloads in markets
  • The potential savings to go after by changing who pays for the freight
  • Your total footprint and REAL negotiation leverage with each railroad

Don’t just take our word for it…

“Rail Rate Checker paid for itself in no time. It makes it easy to demonstrate where rail rates are too high and to support the rate levels we need for our traffic.”

“Rail Rate Checker provides valuable intelligence that helps keep us competitive in our markets. It is used extensively during contract negotiations as it lets us benchmark our rates to competitors’ for our markets.”

“Rail Rate Checker is a must for my rate negotiations. The visibility and insight it offers, provides the certainty needed to explain to the railroads what I need and why. Believe me, RRC pays itself many times over!”

“Rail Rate Checker is easy to use, it’s logical and all of my questions are answered thoroughly. The program is great for strategic planning and is thoroughly supported by Escalation Consultants.”

“Rail Rate Checker allows rail customers to become ‘informed consumers. It provides a database based upon accurate information provided by both the railroads and the Surface Transportation Board.”

“Rail Rate checker is easy to use and provides the movement specific costs and rate benchmarks I need to improve negotiations with railroads.”

“We use Rail Rate Checker and find it is extremely beneficial.”

“Escalation Consultants provide two indispensable things for rail shippers – one is an approach that helps take tension out of the negotiation process and two, a source of workable solutions to help you get the rate you need to expand your business.”

“Rail Rate Checker is a great quick and easy way to determine rates that are reasonable for my movements.  It allows me to be much more proactive with my railroads by educating them on the rates I need.”

Efficiency through automation

AXIS does everything automatically, with no effort needed by the transportation department. AXIS retrieves all information on your movements updates them in the Database Management System (DMS). Data is updated on an hourly basis.

How AXIS Achieves Savings

  • Increases Your Negotiation Leverage with Railroads
  • Reduces Time Needed to Effectively Deal with Railroads
  • Creates Opportunities for Reducing Rail Expenses
  • Shows Where Your Rates Are Good and Where Improvement is Needed

AXIS Works Automatically So You:

  • Never Need to Ask Railroads What You’re Shipping
  • Don’t Lose Commercial Knowledge When Someone Leaves the Rail Department
  • Quickly Bring New Members Up to Speed With Historical Records of How Carloads, Routes, and Rates Have Changed

What AXIS Does

  • Origin
  • Destination
  • Route
  • Rate
  • Payer of Freight
  • Customer
  • Carload Volume
  • Over 30 More Data Points

Getting Setup is Easy

Simple 3-Step Process where Escalation Consultants does all the heavy lifting to get you set up with AXIS.

Then everything is automatic!